Sunday, March 31, 2013

My Resurrection!

This is very interesting post, as I am about to get even more honest about who I am...  As I had an unusual fear throughout my life, and a fear that has held me back.  In this post I dug deep and searched for the truth, my desire to reveal my true self in the year 2013 has come to pass in full effect.  I feel that me being honest is why people have loved reading my blog.  The truth is; sometimes I am scared to post my religious beliefs on my page.  Sometimes I get scared that people will think I am some crazy person, who is speaking mumbo jumbo GOD stuff all the time....  Sometimes I fear that people will think that I am trying to put my beliefs upon them.  However, this is not the case, and I love people that have different belief system then my own.  I declare today Sunday March 31, that  I will no longer fear this.... As in many of my post I always talk about my faith in GOD.  However, in true J.R. Whittington style, I am going to put away all fears.  I will declare the good GOD has done for me.  I will not stop talking about his grace, his mercy, and his devotion to me (and to all).  I guess if you don't like this fact, you don't have to read my blog.  I am a Christian, and this is who I am... Without GOD I know I wouldn't be where I am today.  Without my faith, I would be in a ditch somewhere, due to panic attacks and a serious mental disorder.  I know that GOD has saved my life, and as I go on my walk in this life, even while reaching for my dreams.  I need to walk with GOD first, because honestly when I started doing this my life has changed.  When I started to walk with GOD, my career grew stronger, and when my faith got stronger, my anxiety, and depression weaken.  This acting business is tough, and to do what I am doing and thousand of other fellow actors are doing, takes a tremendous amount of courage, and faith.  I know what my love for acting is, but I also know what my love for GOD is... From this day forth GOD will always come first, whether people want to hear or not.  Thank you GOD for sending your son Jesus who died on the cross for my sins.  Happy Resurrection Sunday Friends!!!