Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Do You Have A Star Meter?

In my quest to understand Los Angeles, and the process of getting noticed in this town.  I came across casting trends, that don't trend in New York City.  Learning there is truth when people say,  "It is all about who you know, and LA is a popularity contest".  I have heard many people say those words to me, but part of me never believed it.  My manager even said to me in so many words "If you were hot, and blonde, you wouldn't even need a resume, they would just call you in".  CRACK, CRACK goes my face. When in New York City, if you have the talent, you book the gig. Not that this doesn't happen in Los Angeles, yes you must have talent, but you have to network, and have a high star meter.  This is not always the case, but it is a big part of LA LA LAND.  Ummm, what the heck is a star meter?  Well, the explanation to this will come shortly.... FYI my star meter is extra low, and I need to bring it up fast!

Imagine you are a casting director, and you put out a breakdown notice that states.  Casting: African American Male or Mixed Race Male, intelligent, handsome, with a mysterious dark secret, for new Hit CW T.V. Show...  If you were me, your manager would submit you for this project immediately. However, (you) the casting director got about 2000 people that submit for this project.  How do you chose out of the 2,000 people? Who do you call in for the audition????  Do you call in the people that look the part, have training, and a resume?  Do you look at the actors reel?  Or do you call people that you know, and  people with a high star meter?  Most, not all casting directors-so I am told- call in people they know, and folks with a great star meter. Then there is me the dreamer, who thinks because I have a good look, and some talent, with Broadway credits, and some t.v. on my resume, that I will get called in.... WRONG!

I have to do the very thing I hate, and get my butt out there and network.  I have to meet these people, smile, and pray that they like me.  In Los Angeles they have many casting director workshops, where you pay money, to do monologues and scenes for these casting directors. Which I am willing to do, but this gets very expensive, so I can't do it all the time.  I need to go to parties, openings, industry events,  to get my big face out there.  I got my business cards, and now I have to use them.  This is my challenge, as I feel like I am kissing butt, and I don't want to kiss butt.  HA! Hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle, here I go as I work on the business part of the show.

Star meter??? Are you still confused, well, maybe you aren't, but I sure was when I heard these words.  Friends in LA would speak to me about there star meter, and my manager sent me links on how to get my star meter up. Where do I find this star meter?  Who decides whether it is high or low?  I am so confused???  To get my star meter up I have to have people visit my IMDB page, and just view it.  The more views I have, the higher my star meter.  Sometimes casting directors will go to your IMDB and look at your star meter, and that will help them decide whether to call you in or not.  PROBLEM, I have two IMDB pages, as I started my career as James R. Whittington, and later became J.R. Whittington.  Now I had to write them to sync my pages, which is in the works.  Then I need to pay 15 bucks a month, to become a member of IMDB pro, so I can put up my headshots, reel, and just hook up the page. Once it is hooked up to my liking,  I will be shamelessly posting my IMDB page link on Facebook, and twitter, so I can get a star meter.  A friend emailed me and said "GOD didn't create the world in one day, it took him seven, so relax"....  Thanks TRACY! :-) This made me calm down....  My faith in GOD has kept me positive, and that out pouring of support and love I get from the  blog world, and from my friends.  All of this keeps my heart pulsing, not to mention the love I have for acting, the love I have to perform, the feeling I have to get my love. With GOD all things are possible..