Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I Work Hard For The Money!!!!

My time in LA has so many ups and downs, but I am still enjoying my time here.  I do love the life style more then I do New York City.  However, I am finally missing New York at times.  It took awhile for me to miss the big bad apple, but the time has come.  Can you believe I have been in LA for 7 months?  Where does the time go????

My career is so so slow right now.  I haven't been on a audition in a minute.  Hence, the common theme in my last two blog post.  Sorry... But it is good to vent to you guys...  I started here so strong, and now in this time things have taken a halt, and my ego isn't ready for a halt.  I am finding that LA is going to be a tougher nut to crack, then ever expected.  However, in this time, like I said before I am trying to create and perfect my craft.  I truly love what I do, (I sound like a broken record) and as I wait for GOD's timing, and for the casting world to even know I exist.  Sometimes it is painful, it is hard, it can be daunting to stay positive, and even more hard to not want to give up.  My emotions peak through my soul like a roller-coaster that has lost control and is racing all over the tracks.  Continue to keep me in your prayers as I attempt to fight for what I love.  Honestly the support I get from my readers keeps me moving, and I am not just saying this just to say it, I truly mean it from my heart.  I THANK YOU.....

Many people have been wondering how I make money in the mean time... Trust I am working hard for the money, as I have three jobs.  YES three jobs!!!!  It is insane, but to support my lifestyle I have to have three jobs.  This coming from a guy who has never had to work a "normal job" a day in his life.  Cause I have been a working stage actor for years.  Well, first and foremost, I teach a musical theater dance class in Burbank California to kids 8-15.  This job touches my heart so much, as I love giving back, and watching my kids grow in the arts.  I must admit I am a sensitive teacher, as I give my heart and soul to my students.  And when they disrespect me, I get my feelings hurt.  But I try to remember what it was like when I was kid, and a teen...  Then I brush that feeling right off my shoulder. I truly love this job.   Job number 2; I am a bartender and a singer at "Don't Tell Mama" Los Angeles.  This piano bar is a fun night, and I enjoy this job too.  Cause I get to sing, and use my vocal chops, so they don't get rusty in L.A. If you are ever here in LA, like my fan page; to find out when I am at "Don't Tell Mama", and come in and visit me.  I make great drinks, and I will serenade you...  :-)  Lastly, I work at T.V.I. acting studio as an acting consultant, and this job is not so shabby either, as I mentor students who become members of the studio.  I also consult with them on what classes to take, and how to help them find an agent in this crazy business.  It is ironic that I do this for people, as I am still trying to make it myself.  However, it is great for me,  because I love to help others on there journey in the arts.  Hint/Plug... If you need to take casting director workshops, or some good acting classes hit me up... I AM the hook up!! :-) I do all this to survive, and on top of it, I try and live my own dreams.  It can be hard not to forgot why I came here....  As I try to survive and make money.  I am lucky though cause all three of my jobs are arts related.  I AM BLESSED....

I have auditioned for some theater gigs, that I really want, and I will keep you posted if I book.  I will also keep you posted when I don't book.  Theater is my first love, and I crave to get back up on the stage at times.  Keep me in your prayers friends, as I need them on this crazy journey.    

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Down Down Down Time!!!

LA has become very interesting, as when I lived in New York City I auditioned a ton more then I do in Los Angeles.  So when you get picked up for an audition here, you put so much pressure on yourself to do a perfect job.  You have to nail it, and you obsess over the project.  It feels so life or death, because it is so hard to get seen in this town.  Learning to relax and not look desperate can be tricky when starting a new in LA.  I can't wait until the casting folks know my name here in Los Angeles.  My hustle has to be so strong in this town. While in New York the mentality is "Oh Well, I have six more auditions this week, so I can keep it moving, on to the next".   This doesn't make me like New York more then LA, I am still here to give it a fair shot.  However, I do yearn for more auditions in this industry.  However, if you read all my other posts, you know exactly what I am up against.  What I have learned to do in this down time, is to be creative.  I am learning to create for myself, to write, to use my talents else where, until my big break comes.  I recently started a new project with a friend (A Secret Project For Now) that I will call on my blog the "untitled project".  I had my first meeting with him, and we came up with some good stuff.  Getting my own production company off the ground, and putting our heads together to create this amazing vehicle that is perfect for the both of us.  This untitled project--(if) WHEN produced and picked up-- would put our talents in a light that could never be imagined.  Not to mention writing a story based out of truth, a story that you have never seen before....  Something new... This work session has rejuvenated me, and has put my mind in a huge spin!  I am excited again, using this side of my brain, and putting my energy into something I believe in...  This down time can be crucial as an actor, this is when folks lose faith, and give up.  I am learning that for me this is when I can become more creative, and perfect my craft.  Yes I want an audition NOW, but in the meantime, I am happy with waiting for GOD to present the right opportunity.  While I wait, I will create...