Monday, September 21, 2015

Please Turn The Light On!

Blogger friends if you ever heard the term "the struggle is real", then you completely understand my life!  I have been dealing with the word "no" for about three months now, in this crazy industry that we call acting...  More then usually for me, and I have fallen into a world of darkness.  Insecurities, set in, and the word I hate "FEAR" wails up into my soul and belly.  This business is hard, and getting people to believe in what you trained all your life for can be daunting at times.  I have casting directors telling me (In Los Angeles Style) how amazing I am, but not casting me in a single thing.  It gets hard to trust your work and trust yourself.  Sometimes I want to quit,  and give up.  The problem is there is nothing else I would rather do, nothing else that makes me whole, nothing else that feels right, nothing else that exudes my body with love like acting.  I can't quit, and now I will just pray that my breakthrough is around the corner.  Continue to keep working on my craft, and come out into the light.  I am broken, but at the point of saying, "Jesus take the wheel".  I will walk with GOD and let him lead my path as I can't do this alone.  Thanks for your continued prayers blogger family.  I hope the next time I write it will be with better feelings toward my art and craft.  LOVE TO ALL!